University of the Philippines Baguio Herbarium
Gliricidia sepium

Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.  [Unverified Identification]

Family Fabaceae
Local Name Kakawate
Habit Tree
Habitat Wastelands, can also grow on sandy clay
Special Notes Leaves opposite, oblong ovate,
Ethnobotanical Uses CONSTRUCTION: used in fencing; OTHERS: used to fix nitrogen in soil and as firewood;
Collected from Sablan, Benguet, Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).
Collected on August 31, 2013
Collector(s) Ella Mae L. Aputen, Justine B. Liwanag, Johannah Marah P. Manio, Henry Earl P. Manuzon, Zylene Joy L. Rolda
